Favorite Lyric Quotes

  • "I could rage like a fire and you'd bring rain I desire" 'Morningside' by Sara Bareilles

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Kai's First Big Boy Bath!

Malachi wasn't feeling good, and we read that a warm bath can help. Not only did it help but he had so much fun! As soon as he figured out how to splash, he was having a blast.

Breathing Treatments

Because of his pneumonia, Malachi must have breathing treatments every 6 hours for 3 months. He doesn't seem to mind it if you keep him entertained.

Daddy's Comfort

Dad embraces Malachi who is tired with a fever. Our little angel fell asleep in his arms.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sick Baby Pics :(

In the first picture Daddy is rocking baby in his nursery. In the second picture Kai is holding a get-well toy we just bought him. Glowworm!

Malachi is Sick!

Oh my soul does ache for my young love. Malachi is down and out with a Middle Ear Infection and a touch of Pneumonia on his right lung. I knew perfect health wouldn't last for long. I'm grateful he's six months old and no younger. Oh, my angel! To see someone you love more than yourself hurting is torture. I want to take it for him. All I can do is give him the meds he needs and cater to him with tender mommy love. I must be strong so that he may feel my confidence and be comforted. I'll put on a happy face and hope it sinks through. Right now I feel like my soul is an open wound, and every pained cry of my angel douses it with salt. I pray this sickness will make his little immune system tougher for future attacks. It's funny, love being the most desired emotion. Really it's the most vulnerable. I'd rather be in physical pain myself than watch him suffer. I'm going a little crazy here. He needs to start feeling better.