Favorite Lyric Quotes

  • "I could rage like a fire and you'd bring rain I desire" 'Morningside' by Sara Bareilles

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Why Eve?

She ate the fruit. But why?'

More. She wanted more. She was unsatisfied and felt excluded from....more. We are just glorious vacuums aren't we? Gorging ourselves on forbidden fruit, realizing too late that it is fruitless.

He made a woman to be a companion to a man. Sure it's more complex. As the new Ke$ha song says, "Blah, Blah, blah..."

Woman. It was the woman that the serpent targeted. Was man more satisfied with who he was and what he had? What told the serpent that the woman was the one to seduce? She's the one. With her beauty and heart of many shades. With her compassion and fierce loyalty. With her thoughts powered by Duracell. How did he bring her to betray herself?

"The way she feels inside...those thoughts I can't deny"

The catalyst for life became the vessel for destruction.


What would he have done in her place? What advantage did the predator see in her? Does he still use women to do the dirty work? Do we do it better?

Weave me a lie that looks appetizing and I just might bite.

Emotional intelligence. HA! What a paradox! The woman is the leader of emotional chaos. We analyze, then over-analyze. When we're done with that we double check and speculate and paint an abstract mess of reality. What would a simple view of the world and it's beautiful people look like? No ulterior motives, no malevolent possibilities. No hunger for to feel beautiful to the powerful.

I recently asked my husband, "Which sex would cause the most damage if they had the ability to read minds?"

The way I imagine it, knowing myself, the men would never even know the women had the ability. She would keep the power strapped to her thigh next to her Derringer. You wouldn't know it was there until it was too late. She'd get everything she wanted.

A man, I think, would be a little more blunt. I imagine he would climb onto a platform of blinding masculinity and beat his chest with it. Women would know they were screwed.

Those are the two extremes, of course. There would be both sexes doing both, but as a whole, I think that's what it would look like.

We are capable of twirling hair around one finger while plotting to have you wrapped around the other. Can a man do that? Yes. I've seen it. I've seen things go over women's heads as well.

So why the woman? What hole do we have that they don't. (ha ha- get your mind out of the gutter.) What hunger was it offering to satisfy in a woman?

No offense to men... (that's a lie) but where the hell was Adam when she was being mentally and emotionally molested behind a bush? If you don't tell a man in black and white what is needed or wanted, *fwoof* over their head. No subtlety in that realm. I can see Adam sitting on the shore of a sparkling lake, contemplating how he was ruler of this realm. Wondering when he got to have sex again with the hot woman God gave him.

Meanwhile, Evey tip toed off.

How can you be depraved in God's garden? And would someone please tell me how the serpent got in there? Without the serpent, would she have gotten around to eating the fruit anyway? And while we're on the topic, what's with putting the tree in the garden in the first place. I've always told Lito, "It's like God put razor blades in the playpen."

So there. Have fun eating my confusion. I do it everyday.

PS: Painting is a Van Gogh. 'Mulberry Tree' painted in Oct. 1889

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