Favorite Lyric Quotes

  • "I could rage like a fire and you'd bring rain I desire" 'Morningside' by Sara Bareilles

Friday, April 2, 2010

Freewrite- Rejected

His words tore through her. She was finally getting the honesty she'd waited so long to hear, realizing too late, she didn't really want it at all. She tore her gaze away from his piercing cruel eyes and scanned the cool night surrounding them. A breeze whipped long strands of hair into her face. She could smell the rain coming. Heady and light all at the same time. She loved that scent and hoped this moment wouldn't ruin it. The steady thrum of music reached them from the party they'd just left on the beach.
"Look, Nessa, we're friends. That's all we've ever been and all we'll ever be. If you can't handle that, then maybe we shouldn't hang out." He tried to say it gently but she could hear the annoyance laced through every word. For weeks now, they'd fallen into this 'friends with benefits' thing. She really enjoyed kissing him, but was starting to feel...wrong. It was weird to only kiss someone knowing that's all it was. It felt very empty and she craved more substance. Romance and passion, and feeling. She understood now that she had just been a means to an end. She'd been used, and by a friend, no less.
"Maybe we shouldn't then." She tucked her fingers into the pockets of her mini-skirt.
"Come on, you don't mean that." He nudged her. She lifted her gaze and met his straight on.
"Oh, Ness. Don't be like that. You know how much I care about you."
"Look, Jayden, I'm not satisfied with what we have. If you can't offer me more, then I'm going to look for someone who can."
He searched her face gaging how serious she was before nodding. He leaned in and kissed her forehead, then turned back toward the beach. Then he was gone. Holding her breath she braced herself for the crushing pain of something ending to wash over her. But there was nothing. That's not true. There was something there. Something building inside her. It felt like...freedom. The self loathing she'd become familiar with simply evaporated. She understood now. She'd sold herself short to Jayden. She'd cheapened herself by offering her sexuality when her heart had been denied. She was worth more than that, and she knew it now.

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