Favorite Lyric Quotes

  • "I could rage like a fire and you'd bring rain I desire" 'Morningside' by Sara Bareilles

Friday, September 9, 2011

Feels Soooooo Good

It's 2:30am and my spirit stirs. I am moved by a movie. But moved in a way that seems unrelated to the movie. Yet my eyes grow a little larger as I look out through my mind at an abstract reality. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And passion is in the heart of every man. My passion is a fire beneath me that urges me to move and dance through a world that can only exist in my imagination. So must I indulge in the fantasy of my mere mind? Or shall I suffer that it does not exist in the senses? Beauty demands appreciation. It demands the full attention of our hearts. Life is beautiful as it were, but we are the living. What is created from the created is a different dimension of beauty. I sigh and stretch the fingers of my spirit to an emotion almost tangible in the imagery it provides. I often wonder if this freedom will be felt in Heaven. Passion, love and beauty. Create. I wish to create and know I will still never scrape even the surface of what is outside of me. So wind, take me away and let me down wherever you desire. Grass, kiss my back as I long for the stars above. Bring me a lover to pass the time in this beautiful place. It is all so very fleeting. The nuances of this journey are easily missed as they slip quickly without shame through our fingers. Squeeze tightly only to become familiar with the texture a moment before your hands shrivel. Let me drown in the rain of the heavens. Let me kiss soft lips as urgent as my own. Let my soul reside as boldly as my flesh in this world. If our eyes are the windows to our souls, then float above with me to the stars where souls can merge while our bodies do their best to accomplish the same. Green! How I love the color of the grass and trees. Lush and welcoming. A wondrous sight to breath in. If I could, I would pick wild flowers and tuck them in my messy curls. Then I would twirl in a skirt and run through tall grass singing. I would collapse beneath the kind shadow of an old tree and dip my bare feet into the busy stream beside me. I would laugh and sigh and then get up and run again. Oh how beautiful life can be. To be a child and yet to be a woman. Ah, that's better. There's more where that came from, but I don't wish to indulge it any further tonight. My body needs rest for an early morning. Writing. This is my outlet. And it feels soooooo good.

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