Favorite Lyric Quotes

  • "I could rage like a fire and you'd bring rain I desire" 'Morningside' by Sara Bareilles

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Sitting in the darkness the sun is burning bright. She clenches her fists as an alternative to dying. So hot inside. Pure lava heated rage without any direction safely to go. So cringe and smile, continue on. Maybe one day it will fade. Until then, let's think and try not to think. While we're thinking let's pass through impossible options. Things that take place only in dreams and fantasy. Where is the level of satisfaction anymore? Abandoned once more in ways that aren't tangible. So so dark. It would be comforting if she weren't so alone. The sun still rises and sets on her. No different than anyone else. Only she would hit a wall in an attempt to self destruct. Not even the brief pleasure of misfortune to hold onto. Get lost in fiction and find yourself in reality. So quickly days move and so fleeting the months become. How does she love a coward? Angry and confused. Not even a pinch of effort displaying her worth. So she sits in the dark while the sun rises. Greets another day and recites another play. If no one else will, she has to. Fight. Fight for....herself. How lonely.

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