Favorite Lyric Quotes

  • "I could rage like a fire and you'd bring rain I desire" 'Morningside' by Sara Bareilles

Monday, January 10, 2011

Romantic Moon

It's beautiful. The night. I think it's the romantic side of God's Earth. You can have romance anywhere, sure. But I like to imagine the perfect romantic interlude within the arms of night. My mind never struggles to create the ideal location. A large downy blanket covers a square of a healthy green field. There are a small number of candles scattered around the perimeter flickering to the whisper of evening. Those are more for atmosphere. Sweet Grapes, Cheese and Cheap Wine make themselves comfortable near the corner of the blanket in a cooler. Not more than twenty feet away is a willow tree dancing with the summer breeze. A small pond quivers with the life living inside it. There's a blurry painting of the moon and stars on its surface. But her masterpiece cannot compare to the true beauty of our Maiden moon and her adoring stars. She comes out for nights like these. She is fond of lovers. With this particular couple, she moves in for a closer look. She's been waiting a long time for this and doesn't want to miss a single sigh. The truck sits two minutes walking distance away. They had to park and walk the rest of the way. They'd already driven a good 45 minutes outside of town to get away from everyone and everything. Although their love for each other runs deeper than the roots of the willow, they're coming this night together for the first time. They've had very little physical contact, which makes the slightest touch of hands or graze of legs heat the blood beneath their skin. They've had half of the wine and a small portion of cheese and grapes. Laying back stretched out with arms beneath their heads they gaze at the expanse of diamonds in the sky. Talking easily, they drift from one topic to the next. It's effortless to laugh with each other. Neither knows if what they're laughing at is truly funny or if the presence of the other is simply so intoxicating, their bodies must respond. They take turns sneaking peeks at the other during appropriate moments in conversation. During a comfortable lull she boldly continues to soak in his face in the moonlight. He seems to sense she's watching and without taking his eyes off the sky he teasingly bites his bottom lip and releases it. She's no fool. She knew he did it on purpose. Either way, her focus is now on his full bottom lip, and the curiosity to nibble it herself is undeniable. The moon is pleased with this chemistry her environment has nurtured. She extends the reach of her enchanting glow to bathe the two in her romance. It crosses their minds simultaneously, to ease the tension that has been building all night and for a long time before tonight. He sits up on his elbow saying things with his eyes that words could never do justice to. His fingers slide adoringly over the smooth cool skin of her cheek making sure to study the curve of her lips. A shiver vibrates from her toes on up until she feels paralyzed with the pleasure of his loving touch. He begins to pull his fingers away. She leans in so as not to be abandoned to the cool night without his warmth. Not he or she knew who initiated, but their lips came together like it was the only thing left in the world for them to do. The sweet taste of wine combined with the warmth and pressure of his mouth took over her entire awareness. Perfect. This night they'd all been waiting for was here. And the moon had hours before the sun warmed the earth beneath them. Not that it would need any after tonight. Beautiful.

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