Favorite Lyric Quotes

  • "I could rage like a fire and you'd bring rain I desire" 'Morningside' by Sara Bareilles

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Freewrite- Stupid Sky

Heart beats wildly in her chest, burning with need. He's like the sun and she lives in darkness. Things move slowly around her and quickly within her. Can you die from a broken heart? Can you mend that same heart with stitches of hope? Living, just living. Feeling the duplicity grow stronger. Will this end? She scrapes her feet on the concrete and breathes in the crisp air of a lonely night. Where is she going? The rain starts to fall, and she stops. Should she seek shelter? Her hair will be hell to deal with if it gets wet. But what does she care? There's no one special to see tonight. Glancing around the abandoned parking lot, she spots a fountain. Her apathy barely acknowledges the direction her feet have shifted. Lowering herself to the chilled ledge of the fake waterfall she glances up. Although there is a steady curtain of rain falling, she sees an opening of star scattered night sky peeking down at her. She lets out a humorless laugh and wonders if she can stand in the spot below the break in the sky. Impossible. It would run from her. She's only damp at this point. All or nothing, right? She reaches her arms out in opposite directions and leans backward until her balance pulls her under the fountain's icy surface. The cold shocks her system and she opens her eyes. Okay. At least she knows she's still alive. Things have gone quiet as she stares through the wavy glass on top of her. She can still see the patch of sky with it's teasing stars. She scowls and sends her greeting with a middle finger. The need for oxygen is tickling her fear receptors. She ignores them. Why can't she be a mermaid? Never to surface again. Because she knows she is a fish and he is a prince. Oh, Ariel, how you toy with the dreams of young girls. Her body takes charge and pushes her back up to breath another painful breath. No one can see her. But she imagines if someone did, they might come running with a white coat to keep her warm. Why do we do the things we do? Does there have to be a reason, or are we allowed to simply experience. Now what, she thinks. She stands dripping wet and takes a few soggy steps in no particular direction. I guess she'll just go back home. Maybe she'll be lucky to fall asleep and back into his arms.

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